The Scottish Arts and Humanities publishes its new annual report today, which includes an assessment of how the Alliance has delivered its mission and advanced its objectives in the period 2021-2022. The report notes that significant progress has been achieved in positioning SAHA as a voice for the sector, with our policy work having led to considerable impact for such a young organisation. It outlines the foundational work conducted in 2021-22 including the release or the new website and development of the SAHA network, the projects that have been delivered during the reported period, as well as the connections made with key stakeholders. Good progress was also achieved in developing the Alliance’s global footprint, with positive working relations established and consolidated with partners from the Ireland, European Union, United States, Canada, Australia and New Zealand.
Looking to the future, a series of exciting projects are in preparation for 2022-2023, including several public engagement events and a new podcast series. To fulfil its aims, SAHA will continue to promote the activities of its members and highlight the multiple impacts of the Scottish research community’s world-leading research on topics of national and international relevance. It will also seek to serve the interests of its members in interaction with policymakers and key stakeholders.
SAHA brings together the Arts and Humanities in Scotland to highlight a human-centred and creative approach to addressing the challenges of our times.
Professor Catherine O'Leary
Co-chair of SAHA
The Arts and Humanities demonstrate and bring value to every part of our lives, and people are part of every research question. SAHA is acting to provide a Scottish voice to UK stakeholders and to build global partnerships on issues of common interest to us all.
Professor Murray Pittock
Co-chair of SAHA
Read more about SAHA’s aims and objectives here.
Download the full 2021-22 annual report here: Scottish Arts and Humanities Alliance_Annual Report 2021-22.