On Tuesday 4 June, the Royal Society of Edinburgh (RSE), Scotland’s National Academy, held an admission ceremony for its 57 new Fellows from the arts, business, public service, civil society, and academia in Scotland and beyond.
Nominated for their individual excellence in a wide range of fields such as physics, chemistry, informatics, literature, law, social sciences, and business, they joined the 1,800 current Fellows of the RSE.

Among the 57 new Fellows elected to the Society are two SAHA Steering Committee members, Professor Donna Heddle and Professor Jason König.
Professor Donna Heddle of the University of Highlands and Islands (UHI) set up and now leads the UHI’s Institute for Northern Studies, a world-leading establishment combining research, teaching, and community engagement. Professor Heddle’s research interests include Scottish, Norse, Northern and Arctic language and literature, Scottish cultural history, and cultural tourism. She has won awards for course development and design. She served as UHI’s acting Vice Principal (Research and Impact) in 2021-22. She is currently a Trustee of the Society of Antiquaries of Scotland and of Sir Sean Connery’s Scottish International Education Trust and a member of the RSE’s North West Advisory Board.
Professor Jason König of the University of St Andrews is Professor of Greek at the University of St Andrews, and co-director of the St Andrews Centre for Ancient Environmental Studies. His work has made a major contribution to the expansion of interest in the Greek literature and culture of the Roman empire over the last two decades, and to the development of new approaches to the history and representation of human environment relations in classical antiquity. He has published 12 books, including most recently The Folds of Olympus: Mountains in Ancient Greek and Roman Culture (Princeton University Press, 2022; shortlisted for the London Hellenic Prize 2022).

More details of all the new RSE Fellows are included in the New Fellows 2024 booklet, click here to download it.